Thursday, November 8, 2012 once had a meal let

Doesn't the good elephant know that you had a daughter?"
The Dan set Zhong went facial expression to change to change, way:" This affair originally early shoulded make collective report of, some affairs have been already held up."
"Is she really your daughter?"
The Dan set Zhong goes to order, Yin malicious way:"That's right, is me Dan set the Zhong go of daughter."
Pale face drive his facial expression surprised, dark way, this guy will never the elephant have a liking for to go to so in brief and talk to own daughter, incredibly can have this kind of facial expression.
"Can know is what happened?"He has a little to too carefully inquire about, the double eye stares at a Dan set the Zhong goes of facial expression.

The text chapter 24 man is blood(bottom)
Renew time:2009-10-2017:04:24 chapter word numbers:6267

"Hereafter say again."Voice Dan set Zhong's going don't tell this because of his identity, cheerless way.
The pale face knows a giving up of interest inquisitive mind, way:"The affair in that evening so agrees verbally, you see whether still have other affairs?"
"Do you all go to jewelry and is all right?"The Dan set Zhong goes facial expression to change very quickly, this time again the elephant have nothing at all is general, light tone of ask a way.
Pale face way:"Still be unlikely, they also for so several individuals, think come need not all went, on these hand but lord specially train of, precious and matchless, those rascal be not really have much high of fighting skill, today this how if not that thinking not hurry, we are whichever can tidy up him."
The Dan set Zhong line knows that he says right, but still way:"This, their real strenght I told you, how do, you decide by yourselves!"
After having supper, the Xing night really had enough of spring to think that unstrained topic and wanted to go out the affair of relax by taking stroll to her how didn't want to promise as well, it is impossible to can also know not to promise.Have to took a look those two wenches, hope that they can have what good suggestion, or can advise her.Can those two wenches advising is to advise, but also not is what good way!
"Young lady, now sky all late, we tomorrow go out and see again good, just once had a meal, let's still arrive the night scene that the top sees Su Hang!"
The night of the Xing almost wants to strangle to death these two wenches, this calls what idea, see a night scene?Arrive where to see a night scene?Not just want to go out.
The spring thinks to also feel them a few possible to be really tired, but still keep feeling have much of interest to the suggestion of wench, don't go out, and then want to see a night scene, not is make her climb to roof!
Is very unfortunate, the opinion of wench be such,, their viewpoint BE, foreign Inn in the sky was regarded as Su Hang to tallestly construct and stood to its main upstairs, affirmation could see Su Hang to the eye bottom.
The spring thoughted to think, eager for action, this idea is really quite good.
The night of the Xing to Peng north the brothers beat an expression of eyes and hoped that they can come out to advise Zu, can Peng north the brothers embrace the mind for wising about personal survival and say what can't bring calamity a body, either, set up for the appearance that didn't see.Two people Ji murmur Gu, don't know as well to be saying what.
He had to helplessly shake to shake head, way:"You play by ear like, however, can not definitely cause trouble as well as run too far, in the Inn like."
Spring's thinking is a very innocent appearance, 1 pair consumedly of eyes looking at Xing for night, way:"Uncle Ye says of what, I when didn't obey, I didn't cause trouble, still don't all not is the person whom you begin to kill all the way, if the teacher knows you killed so many people, also uncertain will be not happy!"
If Xing Ye wanted to think, is also, however, he not because the spring thinks, but is his big eyes of that moving heart soul, an I am innocent, very clean and pure appearance, let him have to enchant for a while, after all is a small younger generation, the result for spoiling too much be so, often come to order a surprised affair for you.
The spring thinks to ignore him to think what, enjoys with two bond maids ha ha of jumped to go out, their lend have to see a night scene, can who also not know what they want to do.
The nottest refined to look at station's loft in foreign Inn in the sky towards the Su Hang of in front to point out a point, one is a very professional appearance, what is spring's thinking saying for two of her maids.Don't want as well, her age but compare two wenches to want to be young!
Lin Xue, the shopkeeper of foreign Inn in the sky, stands in the den of back yard, secretly wry smile, other people probably incognizant Xing night, but he the shopkeeper but understanding of this Inn.The time that just saw these three guys, he knows, Su Hang's affair will be more noisy.He always in the consideration, don't put this news to Chen Bang Zhu, as early as possible withdraw hand.There are these three guys of evil religion that appear, the others have no equal of weight, don't even think.
This has a liking for very innocent bond maid, the attitude that sees her to the night of Xing should be able to reckon, the position is definitely not very low.Incredibly stand now to the building crest of Inn, not is have intention to at recruit Feng to lead Die!Have already brought his Inn so great disorder, be not want and dismantle him of Inn!However, this words doesn't he dare to say.
Spring's thinking is towarding the lights of the Hang streets and alleys of Su to greatly deliver young lady's temper, "we why can not arrive avenue to go up and see, affirm more divertive thing there."
Two wenches hurriedly way:"Young lady, we still want to take a rest earlier well, tomorrow have spirit."
The spring thinks to looking at a few dark shadows in the front one Shan suddenly and very curiously, the speed is the quickest, pointing at of her excitement is that direction, way:"See quickly, there someone at use light achievement walk faster!"
Two wenches are also very curious, although they think than the spring is a little bit big,have not greatly arrived very the situation of mature and steady, spring's thinking is also 56 appearances, and their 2 people also however 10**.The idea of young girl very is oddness, they didn't forget the explaination of believing in the lord, can see a fresh affair, much time will forget some things.Follow spring to think the direction of hand to see go, the shadow of human figure in several blacks, very misty, quickly of rise and fall between the house and the avenue, probably having no person will notice this.
"They want to do what, kill people to set fire?"The spring thinks absolutely and isn't astonishing language dead endlessly and sees the pedestrian in night, think that the somebody else wants to kill people to set fire.
Two wenches, a way that greatly orders:"The young lady doesn't want to say so, may they have other affairs."
The spring thinks a point to nod, way:"Fine cloud, you say that they will can't come to seek what we bother."
Is fine cloud is an appearance of atmosphere, way:"They?They dare?They again incognizant we.Said again, they be really hurtle us come of, we still fear that they don't become."
The spring thinks a point to nod a way, "is also, however, we want not to be going to and see and use very mean means in case of them, we can arrived to can not hold up against, had better take preventive measures, Be guarded against to not yet."A appearance that is righteously very much tells other people, she is intending for all people, not oneself to want to join a crowd for fun.
Two wenches understand the host's idea naturally, they also not is what can sit of live of person, once three people add up, also what is up do don't come out.
But we have mercy on of, world rare good hand, Xing night old man, still just joy in the room ha ha of feel oneself being getting ater leisure.
Luo easily carries on the back the last hell-broke a soldier to seem to be also to feel atmosphere not and usually, since didn't imagine medium freak, also didn't quietly wait for, but the black current of air of foreign a day guest's sort continuously ties up to round in the whole knife body.
Gold Hui several personal heels at his after death, a words didn't also say, the atmosphere is really heavy to arrive extremity.The speed of a group of people is all very quick, original go a Dan set from their jewelry the Zhong goes of your home also have no how far, is plusing them to intentionally and urgently rush through, so soon saw a Dan set the Zhong go of mansion.
The sky has some early and has no usually under the circumstance, Wu Lin Ren requests of the midnight genius can start out.Luo is easy them are being getting more impatient of etc.s a little bit.
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